I know I say this every month when I post photos of Ryden...but time has truly gone by so so so fast. I mean, my baby...my precious little baby that I first layed eyes on and held so tightly in my arms is now ONE. My sweet boy born at 3:17pm, 7pounds 10ounces & 19inches long. My sweet boy who I gazed at for 2days straight with zero hours of sleep...just in awe of him. One whole year has gone by, full of so many changes and moments I will never ever forget. It truly has been the best year of my life and I know my hubby would agree!
One thing I hear myself saying a lot about ryden and him being in my life is the pure joy that has come into my life when he was born and watching him grow and grow. I have experienced a joy like never before. If you are a mama, you know exactly what I mean! Words really don't do it justice...so I won't even try, haha.
Most importantly I am so thankful to the Lord for giving us this perfect gift. We truly don't deserve it...yet he gave him to us. He entrusted him to us. His precious little child. I will never stop praising the Lord for him!!
Our Ryden is so full of joy and energy...with such a sweet heart. He's affectionate (he wakes me up with little kisses!) and observant. He's so so smart!! He's so much fun and loves to dance!! He's so animated and such a little ham! He's a social boy and loves being around people. He loves animals (and his first words were actually, "hi dog!"). He is determined and strong willed (which we knew when our sweet breech boy would turn in his mama's tummy!). He's passionate and brave. And he definitely has a sweet tooth like his mama...and daddy, haha! Oh and he looooooves to talk!! He's our little chatter box and I just love it.
Enjoy these photos celebrating my sweet boy turning one whole year old! There are many of them...it is really hard to pick your favorites of your own baby!! He is such a cutie and I know you will love them!!
Katelyn :)
This is the first place we sat him when we got there and he just LOVED sitting on that log. You could tell he felt like such a big boy!! |
My sweet boy, seeing something & pointing, being cute and then showing me he "wants" something. |
I feel this photo is very fitting: STOP growing!!! Time slow down!! haha |
Haha, love this face! "I'm done mama, get me out!" haha |
Love this. My sweet, curious boy spotting a flower! |
My sweet little knee walker. Always sitting and walking around on his knees! |
I reeeeeeally wanted some photos of him standing and he wouldn't do it, haha. So I bribed him with the cell-phone...and it worked, haha! |
He really is the cutest! And, I agree, he has such a sweet spirit that I'm sure he'll have throughout his whole life. Great job to you and Jamie for being such amazing parents!