Aug 7, 2013

Life As of Lately: Chico California Photographer

I thought it was about time to write a little blog post about LIFE and everything going on in it right now. I fee lately I have been slacking on keeping up with posting new photos, writing new blog posts, etc. I know it is a busy time and I have been working my butt off to stay on top of editing AND prep for the Bridal Show this month...but still no excuse! I think there are just times in my life I'm not as focused on "sharing" my life and more focused on just living it...which is awesome, but leads to not as great of a online "presence". I do love sharing my life and busy business happenings with you all, it just occasionally takes the back burner.

With that said, I knew it was that time of the month to share what's going on in my life right now, so you all know where I am at! I thought this time I would write them out list-style to keep everything straight ;)

(in no particular order) ;)

1. As I'm sure all of you know (if you are at all following me on fb) I started taking Zumba classes about a month ago. And boy do I LOOOVVVVEEE yes LOVE it!! It is the best workout that works out EVERYTHING without feeling like your working out...rather dancing. SO glad I finally made time to work this into my schedule. I still have yet to loose all the baby weight (yikes! now I'm really being honest!)...and with Ryden being 1 1/2years(!) I thought it was about time to get in shape again, haha. I do zumba 3 times a week for an hour each time :)

2. Ryden turns One and a Half this MONTH! How did this happen!!?? I really don't know! My sweet boy is already 1/2 way to two years old? I refuse to believe this! haha. I plan on taking some year and a half photos this month and will definitely post some when I do! Even though it makes me sad to know those early baby days are gone forever, that sadness is quickly replaced by the overwhelming JOY and LOVE he brings us. It is such a fun age!! He is SO interactive, SO talkative, such a sweet, fun, spunky little guy. We are so blessed and I thank the Lord for him everyday!

3. Due to 2 wedding cancellations in July, I was able to use that whole month to catch up on all my editing!! As much as I was looking forward to those weddings, I am thankful for the time to be able to focus on editing and other office work. I have just about caught up on editing, just in time for prepping for the Bridal Show this month!! And that leads to my next post...

4. The Bridal Show is this month!! Yay!! I am so excited for it. It's my first big bridal show and I can't wait. I've been working away prepping for it...ordering the large fine art prints, logo sign, designing my booth layout and searching for the perfect booth decor that matches my branding. There is much more to do in the next couple weeks, but slowly I'm getting there :) I hope to see some of you there! ;)

5. It's my hubby's 29th birthday tomorrow!! I cannot believe this is his last year in his 20's! We are 2years apart and as I've told him many times, I plan on teasing him ALL year long about it being his last year before 30...old man!! haha ;) I met him when he was 21 and I was 19, crazy to think how young we were then and how much we've changed since. I am SO so blessed to have him as my husband. He is truly an amazing man and I am so lucky to get to live life with him everyday. Not to mention he is seriously the BEST dad in the world. Really, the best. Ryden is blessed to have him as his dad, that's for sure!

We'll leave that as the last post for the night as it is getting late and I need to get to bed :) Hope you all enjoyed this little update on life/business as of lately. I am happy to share life with you all. Thank you for reading!

Oh and I thought it was fitting for me to share a few more photos of me from my shoot! So weird to edit photos of yourself, haha. Special thanks to my amazing friend and photographer kimie for taking them!! ENJOY! ;)

Katelyn :)

Me and my first baby ;)

It's true, I LOVE to dance ;)

1 comment:

  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU and these pictures! You are such a beauty my friend!
