Apr 8, 2013

Life as of Lately :)

Shame on me!! I haven't written a blog post in 2weeks!!! AH!! To my loyal blog readers- I apologize ;) Where has time gone? Well, I guess I was in TEXAS last week...and that did take up a bit of time. I plan on writing a blog post about our AMAZING texas trip later this week. For now, I wanted to fill you in on life as of lately ;)

As I mentioned above, last week (fri-tues) we went to texas!! It was my first time there and I absolutely LOVED it. I had the honor of shooting Ana & Brandon's wedding. It truly was a honor. I mean, when someone loves your work so much that they pay for you to travel 1/2 way across the country to shoot there wedding--it means a whole lot and is so flattering. Like I mentioned above, more to come this week about our awesome trip!

Up until just about a hour ago, 4ish days after we got back from our trip I FINALLY got some energy to get some MUCH needed house work and laundry done. I was wiped out when we got back. More then I expected to be. I was SO tired and had no energy to do anything! I guess it was a mix of the crazy-busy non-stop trip: 10hr wedding day + several hours flying/driving WITH a baby (toddler?) + the time change that finally got to me. So so worth every tired bone in my body though. I'm just happy I'm finally getting the house back in order. I am a clean/organizational freak...so mess and dirt reeeeeallly get to me, haha.

I am in LOVE with my new 50mm 1.2 lens. Love love love it. I really had no idea I would love it this much, haha. I've been using the 50mm 1.4 for quite a while. It was my only lens that was not a L series lens. It was the very first lens I bought and definitely the cheapest one I own, haha. I was busy buying other new lenses, that I just didn't think it would make that much of a difference to upgrade my 50mm. So I kept putting it off. I had no idea how that lack of quality the lens held was holding me back from using it more. I used it more then I ever have on a wedding day last weekend and I LOVE it so much. So glad I bought it!

I really cannot believe it's april. How did that happen!? I am so looking forward to my many spring portrait shoots this month. Bring them on!! haha.

I cannot believe wedding season has "officially" started for me. I mean, I technically shot my first 2013wedding in Jan...so it started really early this year. And since I now shot my 2nd wedding of the year...it has definitely officially started ;)

My sweet boy is getting SO big. He is so full of energy and laughter. He loves to laugh ALL the time. He especially loves to copy us when we laugh, or pretty much do anything we do. It's so so cute! His personality continues to bloom and we are just loving it and soaking in every moment! I can't believe he's 13 1/2months. Love him so so much.

Well, that's just about all I can think of to fill you in on life right now :) I'm sure I'm missing a few things...but this will do for now! To end this lovely post, I leave you with two NEW sneak peeks from my lovely texas wedding. Hope you all don't mind me sharing MORE from this wedding...I just LOVED it! ;)

Katelyn :)


  1. Very awesome pics! Can't wait to see others!

  2. Thanks so much Rod! I'm actually posting a blog post tom with more sneak peeks from their wedding! So check back on the blog tom!!
