Oct 23, 2012

Tip Tuesday: Naturally Posed Portraits

I don't know if you're like me, but I really strive for my photos to reflect a natural, relaxed look. In pose (or lack there of) and expression I choose to use to emphasis this. Now, it is not always easy to achieve this look and feel. The whole essence of achieving a natural, relaxed look and feel is that your clients actually have to feel natural, relaxed...comfortable. 

So the question is, how do you do this? How do we make our clients feel a certain way during the shoot, so we achieve these types of photos? Well, there are a couple things we can do :) Now keep in mind, these are things that have worked for me and my clients...you may find your own way of doing things.

One, the most simple thing you can do is get to know your clients and build a relationship with them. Now obviously we don't have the time or ability to spend hours upon hours with our clients getting to know them, but it's the little things that count. Shooting them an email here and there, asking them how things are going...how wedding planning is going. Facebook friend them! As silly as that sounds, facebook friending them allows us to see our clients on a day to day basis and get to know little things about them and visa versa. Meet with your clients a couple times before their wedding. Meet at a fun coffee shop and just chat about their upcoming wedding. I mean what bride doesn't LOVE chatting about their wedding?

Two, during the shoot/portrait time encourage your clients with words. This is often one of the first times your clients have had professional portraits taken and often this can result in them being very nervous. The more encouraging you are to them will help them to feel relaxed and more confident. Reassure them and encourage them that they are doing a great job. I know us photographers can often get wrapped up in everything going on behind the camera, but taking the time to encourage your clients and make them feel good goes a long way!

Three, you yourself must feel comfortable and relaxed. If you look nervous and unsure, then your clients are going to feel that way too. As the photographer, you create the atmosphere for your clients. Strive to relax and connect with your clients and create a comfortable atmosphere. This will make a big difference in the outcome of your photos.

Doing these things will made a huge difference in achieving the natural, relaxed photos you strive for. If your clients feel like they know you, they are going to naturally feel more comfortable. Encouraging them, will boost their confidence and make them feel more comfortable. Being relaxed yourself will make your clients feel more comfortable.

So those are my suggestions for achieving natural and relaxed photos. We only can do our best. Sometimes we can do everything mentioned above and still have a hard time achieving this feel. The clients have a responsibility too to do their part to help achieve natural, relaxed photos.

Thanks for reading! Have a great tuesday everyone...and enjoy a few of my favorites from this last weekend's engagement shoot :)

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